Address: Richmond, VA

About The Books

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Almost Unloved - Vol 1

Almost Unloved, Vol 1 started when my birth mother had some difficult choices to make. She ran from her home to save the children she came to love for one she didn’t, fearing losing them. Her parents drove her into the arms of the wrong men who did so much harm that it left her numb to true love for many years.

She had no idea that her choice to leave me with relatives would be one of her worst mistakes that I would regret for the rest of my life. The people she abandoned me with were neglectful alcoholics, and I lived that life because they adopted me, I didn’t have a choice. At least, I thought I had no choice.

They took my self-esteem and self-worth and made me question every choice. I was raised around families like theirs, so after a while, I began to conform, but something wasn’t right; I didn’t fit in, so I set out to find my birth mother.

I was raised to believe I was adopted, but I wasn’t. I was raised under their name, but it wasn’t mine, and when I needed my birth mother, she turned me away again.

Upcoming Book

Almost Unloved - Vol 2

Almost Unloved Vol 2 begins with trying to find who I am and my identity, and now that I have no tethers to them. I spread my wings to be hurt, used, and abused. At sixteen, turns out, I’m too naive to make it alone in this world of predators. They took my dignity and pushed down whatever self-esteem I was trying to gather.

I made many of the wrong choices she made, although I never met her. The Bible tells us, yes, we do suffer for our parent’s sins, but we are not responsible for their sins. Having a child at seventeen, marrying an abusive man, and always trying to run away when all I did was bring my troubles with me.

Meeting my birth mother was an eye-opener. I would never be accepted into her family of five, and every time she looked at me, I reminded her of the mistake she made many years ago.

At the 12th hour, before I chose to change my life, I fell in love but was too afraid to stay, worried about my and my daughter’s survival, so I left once again, but this time I was running to a better life.